
Showing posts from December, 2023

Love Hope and Grace Amidst Violence

"Love, Hope, and Grace Amidst Violence" "These violent delights have violent ends" - W. Shakespeare's  Romeo and Juliet A God who would come to earth knowing the limitations of humanity, subjecting himself to become fully human while fully God (kenosis), and knowing that the shortcomings of humanity would profoundly harm then kill surely something that boggles the mind. That kind of love is virtually incomprehensible. And, yet, that is what we celebrate at Christmas and Easter: this profound Love. This Hope. This Amazing Grace. I recently saw this image on my Instagram feed, and at first, it jarred my "Western" sensibilities. The image titled "an AMERICAN NATIVity" is a modernized block print of reinterpreted, traditional First Nations symbols (native peoples of today's Canada), but its contents highly Christian. The artwork by Kreg Yingst (@psalmprayers) depicts God the Father, Mary, and the Christ Child in a raw, visceral way.