Dear Valentine,

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace... Isaiah 54:10 Dear Valentine, I promise to love you before you are born and long after you die. I promise to watch over you as you sleep and as you face both the joys and tragedies of each day. I promise to raise you up when you fall, and teach you to sing a new song. I promise to show you beauty through a morning sunrise, a cool drink of water, and the milestones of your life. I promise to see you as a work of art that I will never be able to put down. I promise to mold you into something greater than you expected and always see you for who you are and not who you think you are. I promise to always love you so much that I would take your place and your guilt and shame all over again. I promise that I have conquered death over you and share with you my triumph in a new name as a co-heir with me. I promise to catch you with open arms and chase away t...