Before TEDTalks, there were sermons...

Before TEDtalks, there were sermons. You can always tell when a message has a shot at being excellent: The speaker doesn't need notes because they know the topic through and through and can speak extemporaneously. There are a handful of sermons like these that I have witnessed and remember as being like a home run with the bases loaded, where I simply had to listen and watch in awe with be occasional ringing "Amen!" on the lips of my heart. These messages standout in terms of craft, poignancy, and conviction, and often I am making a life change as a result of them as the Holy Spirit courses through.

Today, I wanted to share one of them with you.

Jenn Wilkins is like you and me. She is smart, she is funny, she is pragmatic. And, best of all, she wants to change the world for the better in the name of Jesus. We all want this, but she tells us how to achieve it.

Wilkins' passion is Bible literacy, and this sermon is a masterclass in why it's important for you, me, and everyone in between. Listen to this in your car or on your won't regret it.


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